Hello there! I am Connor Henzi and I am graduating this semester from DMACC with my associates in both Video Production and Photography!
I’ve always been interested with video and photography since high school, taking the various classes at school that provided photography and video creation along with other artistic classes. It clicked that I’d love to expand my learning of my hobby and have this be my profession and I absolutely love it so far! I love photographing various subjects, whether its travel, portraits, or even commercial, it’s so fun to be creative and create stunning photos like the ones you seen below. Also below are some of my video projects I worked on throughout my time at DMACC, my latest being the Disney Collector.
I love creating films, whether its documentary style, story driven, or even adverts, there’s so many different outlets to learn and expand my career with. In the future I hope to have a full-time position, whether its on-set being a director, grip, camera operator, you name it, to help produce great videos, and have a side hobby job as a photographer… or vise-versa!